Thursday, April 3, 2014

Why So Hard On The Republicans?

It's now 23 days into my blog and i've got 23 posts written (24 when this one is finished) and I just crossed the 1,000 page view mark.  That's better than 40 views per blog and 40 views per day, with much of the heavy lifting coming in just the last week alone.  I am both happy and humbled by the reaction and support and looking forward to doing so much more.  I've got a real website coming out soon and it should give the professional look to my writing that will help me expand my reach.  Looking back over the last few weeks I've noticed that much (though not all) of my writing has been rather critical of Republicans, and that these posts seem to gain the most traction.

President Obama has repeatedly said that he doesn't think that Democrats have a monopoly on good ideas, similarly, I don't think Republicans have a monopoly on bad ideas.  Why, then, has my criticism focused almost exclusively on Republicans?  Let's explore that idea a bit further.

1) It's Much Easier: Even if Republicans do have some good ideas (remember that Obamacare was originally a Republican response to the Democratic push for a single payer system) they certainly seem to keep pushing the worst ones.  If Republicans had their way medicaid would be a block grant, medicare would be vouchered, food stamps would be eliminated, major corporate tax breaks would be expanded, the wealthiest tax rates would be cut, we'd have a flat tax or no income tax at all, the EPA would be eliminated, so would HUD, same with the FED and most other federal agencies, we'd spend more on building weapons and bombs, we'd be at war with dozens of countries, we'd end all foreign assistance (except maybe for Israel), we'd take away insurance for millions of people (more if you count their medicaid and medicare ideas), we'd have no regulation over food safety or air/water pollution, we'd have millionaires deciding all election, and on and on and on.  Also, women would have to carry every pregnancy, even those caused by rape, to full term; and all black people would be thrown in jail or shot.  Ok, that might be a bit of a hyperbole, but did I mention that they shut down the government and threatened to default on our debt?  If you really want to know why I bash the Republicans, it's because they make it so easy for me.

2) I'm a Democrat: Why does everyone in Wisconsin root for the Packers?  It's only natural that you would be more inclined to criticize the other guys when it is a head to head competition.  If there was a viable third party (proportional representation anyone?) then I'd be more likely to bash the Democrats too, but as it is I'd usually prefer the worst Democrat over the best Republican.  Politics is almost always a zero-sum game.  When you hurt Republicans it helps Democrats and vice-versa, I may not always agree with Democrats (since they usually just run on a "look how bad the other guy is" platform) but I almost never agree with Republicans.

3) I Know My Audience:  Right now I'm just a small time blogger.  In order to find my blog you have to be trolling around the internet looking for random blogs from nobodies.  If the only people that my words are reaching are stoned college students, which party should I appeal to?  A lot of Republicans have jobs (good for them), they have families and hunting to get to; they don't have time for my crap.  Why would I alienate the only people that show up to read this in order to please the people that will never read this and couldn't care less about what I have to say?

By the way, readers, you just missed 4:20 but go ahead and take a break now... I won't tell anybody.  Just come on back when you're finished and read my new favorite post.  My plan to win the Republican presidential nomination.  You won't be disappointed.

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